R-Fast – Charcuterie board epoxy – 1.5 gal kit

The new R-Fast is not only fast, it’s REALLY FAST! The R-Fast is specially designed for charcuterie board and any other artistic project. A maximum of 3 liters per pour is recommended.

  • Improved cure time, 16 to 24 hours
  • Clear and bubble-free.
  • Anti-yellowing UV resin
  • Improved hardness adapted to the movements of the wood.
  • Solvent-free

Maximum recommended thickness is 1″ with a maximum of 3 liters per pour. The use of fans is strongly recommended for thick castings. R-Fast TDS English MSDS R-Fast A (English) MSDS R-Fast B (English) Crystallization of epoxy

$97,95 +tx  USD

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Multi-layer application

  • MECHANICAL ADHESION: Once cured, lightly to  sand first pour (use 120 grit). It is important to “scratch” the surface to ensure a perfect bonding between both layers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my epoxy freeze? A:Yes and no! UV Resins are very sensitive to freezing, which has the effect of causing crystallization (deposition and solidification of part A). Simply reheat the container in a water bath to bring the resin back to a liquid state. Refer to the technical sheet for more details.

If I miscalculated the amount of epoxy required, can I pour right away? A:Yes, within 2 hours. After this time, it will be necessary to wait until it gets fully cured

What should I use to clean the tools?

A: Xylene

If i bought my epoxy last year, is it still good?

A:The recommended pot life is 1 year after purchase. With time, the hardener oxidizes and turns amber. You will then have to use pigments to hide that amber color.

Will my epoxy harden faster if I put more hardener?

A: No. The ratio must be perfectly respected in a volume ratio of 2A:1B. An improper ratio will cause the epoxy to not fully cure.

What is the recommended temperature for casting ?

R: 21°C, +/- 5 degrees. High temperature could lead to an exothermic reaction (overheating). Low temperature will cause bubbles in the epoxy.


Important Notes: Ryver Epoxy is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using the product. The use of the product requires several technicalities, it is therefore essential to perform few samll projects before making a large project. Moisture of the wood must be between 8% and 12% (kiln dry). Several factors can influence the final result, it is strongly recommended to refer to someone with experience before starting a first project. In case of an allergic reaction, stop using the product immediately


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